
David B Anthony is a brand, product, and web designer with 20+ years of experience in the creative and software fields.


David is an experienced designer with team leadership and coding capabilities. I’m available for hire 📧

Company: Endpoint Technology
Role: Director of Design and Design Systems, Principal Product Designer
Contributions: IA, UX, UI, design system, demos, prototypes.

Company: Cisco Technology
Role: Senior Product Designer, Design Technologist
Contributions: IA, UX, UI, design system, demos, prototypes.

Company: SingleFit
Role: Cofounder, Design Engineer
Contributions: IA, UX, UI, design system, demos, prototypes.

Company: Crownpeak Technology
Role: Director of Design and Design Systems, Principal Product Designer
Contributions: IA, UX, UI, design system, demos, prototypes.

Hello there! I'm David, a brand and product designer with two decades of experience in the creative and software fields. I've had the pleasure of working with some of the most innovative brands in entertainment and tech, such as Snapchat, Red Bull, ESPN, DVS Shoes, Quicksilver, Cisco Technologies, and many more. As a designer, I aim to help businesses achieve their desired outcomes through storytelling, high-quality visual design, simple user experiences, and creative direction. Customers trust my proven design process of ideating, designing, validating, building, testing, and launching to ensure high-quality brand and product success.