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An Interactive Moon Sculpture with Light Bulbs

The piece features 5,500 bulbs turned into a glowing orb that hangs from an arched structure over a wooden circle. As the piece is meant to represent the moon, the public are able to manually change the phases of this globular body, turning a wheel so the piece becomes an exploration of "the whimsical and alluring nature of our nearest celestial body," explain the artists.

"The sculpture draws on the universal familiarity of moonlight to all people," they continue. Like previous examples in their sculpture series, including Cloud and Solar Flare, the sculpture makes tangible the supernal bodies that hang in the sky above us, bringing them closer while maintaining their stately allure. "While the brightness of the sculpture is enchanting, for us as artists, the real epiphany of working on this sculpture came from recognizing the incredible value of darkness in relation to a work characterized by light," they explain.