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The Field of Hope immersive lighting installation

“The Field of Hope” is an immersive lighting installation of 2015 Milan EXPO China Pavilion. It is designed by Tsinghua University team led by new media artist Danqing Shi. Consisted with 30,000 metal “straws”, this “field” covers the whole exhibition area and merges with the architecture. Each straw has an LED tip with a diffuser functioning as one 3-dimensional pixel. Viewing from above those pixels form a large motion images floating on top of a wheat field. “The Field of Hope” provides visitors two perspectives to experience: 1. First person perspective: a descending slop at the entrance leads visitor to gradually merge into the “field”, as visitors going down, the relative heights of the plants grow up representing the season changes. While visiting the exhibition items embedded in the field, visitors may wonder why the light straw tips blink different colors. 2. Third Person perspective: visitors then walk up through an ascending ramp to the panorama platform at the second floor. With a broad view of the field from above, the blinking pixels now can be recognized together as one entire image rendering China’s diverse landscapes and an abstract expression of different forms of farm field.