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85,794 Rubik's Cubes

Cube Works Studio is best known for their toy-based artwork, particularly the pieces in which they twist Rubik’s cubes and organize them into pixelated portraits and landscapes. In the past few years, the small Toronto-based collaborative set two unique Guinness World Records by creating the world’s largest Rubik’s Cube mosaics, first The Last Supper (+4,000 cubes) in 2010 and then The Hand of God (+12,000 cubes) in 2011.

Most recently, the team set a new record by exceeding all of their past feats. They constructed this Macau Mural, which stands over 13 feet high and 200 feet wide and uses 85,794 Rubik’s Cubes to form the skyline of Macau, China. Across the course of a few months, the graphic designers sketched out the plan, twisted the cubes, and installed the completed mural at the Macau waterfront. Creative Director Josh Chalom says, “Our works are meant to inspire, unite and invoke a sense of nostalgia by using common, tangible objects and methods to create impressive and entertaining works of art that can be appreciated and enjoyed by all.”

Check out the really great time-lapse video, below, that shows the installation of the completed mural. It’s great fun to see how the piece comes together, cube by cube!

If you are interested in these incredibly playful and unique designs, you might like this list of 20 Most Cool and Unusual Portraits.

Cube Works Studio website


1980kcubes, rubiks, pixel, art, installation