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Fish Lamps Installation

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Fish Lamps by Frank Gehry sculpture light fish

Back in January of this year architect and artist Frank Gehry unveiled this striking series of fish lamps atGagosian Beverly Hills and later in Paris. The glowing fish are constructed from jagged scales of ColorCore formica mounted on a wireframe and are an extension of a series of similar lights first built between 1984 and 1986. The story goes that while working on a commission for Formica back in the 80s Gehry dropped a piece of ColorCore which shattered, inspiring the idea of fish scales. You can see more views over at Gagosian and onFlickr. (via Dezeen)