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Full Turn: 3D Light Sculptures

Full Turn: 3D Light Sculptures Created from Rotating Flat Screen Monitors at High Speed light kinetic digital 3d

Full Turn: 3D Light Sculptures Created from Rotating Flat Screen Monitors at High Speed light kinetic digital 3d

Full Turn: 3D Light Sculptures Created from Rotating Flat Screen Monitors at High Speed light kinetic digital 3d

Full Turn: 3D Light Sculptures Created from Rotating Flat Screen Monitors at High Speed light kinetic digital 3d

Full Turn is a kinetic light sculpture by Benjamin Muzzin created as a diploma project for his bachelor degree at ECAL. The piece was constructed from two flat screen monitors placed back-to-back and spun at extremely high speed resulting in three-dimensional light forms that hover in thin air. Of the work he says:

With this project I wanted to explore the notion of the third dimension, with the desire to try to get out of the usual frame of a flat screen. For this, my work mainly consisted in exploring and experimenting a different device for displaying images, trying to give animations volume in space. The resulting machine works with the rotation of two screens placed back to back, creating a three-dimensional animated sequence that can be seen at 360 degrees. Due to the persistence of vision, the shapes that appear on the screen turn into kinetic light sculptures.

Music by Montgomery Clunk. (via Prosthetic KnowledgeCreative Applications)
