
This blog showcases educational and inspirational content related to art, design, process, and more.

Graffiti Machine Produces Vibrant Rainbows

In 2010, Swedish street artist Akay created Tool No. 10: Robo-Rainbow in an ongoing series of Instruments of Mass Destruction, which he further describes as “complicated technical solutions to aid in simple acts of vandalism.” Obviously, the words ”mass destruction’ are used lightly here, considering that the artist has no malicious intentions and ends up producing a bit of cheerful color on otherwise bare, deserted walls.

This particular device includes a long, mechanical arm holding six cans of spray paint and attached to a rotating device. With the machine extending back behind his bicycle, Akay can control the rotating arm with a remote control secured to the bicycle handle. When he pushes the button, the arm moves upward in an arc-path, spraying the bottles of paint and forming a graffiti rainbow along nearby walls. (Check out the video below to see the machine in action).

Akay says, “Everytime something is done on the street there is a level of interaction involved. Maybe its not the interaction we hoped for or expected, but every project is an invitation to respond. Even if the response is someone taking down what has been offered up.” The creation, assembly, action, and final product of the Tool No. 10: Robo-Rainbow are an amazing display of mechanical skill and creative thinking blending together into quick moments of unexpected, vibrant street art.

Akay’s website
