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How to Acquire Users

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You’ve built a product, now how do you get people to use it and find a sustainable source of customers?You have to experiment to see what works best for your product. The way you find your first user will differ from how you find your hundred thousandth but this doesn’t matter. 

I faced this dilemma when trying to generate traction for my design marketplace. Over time we got our reach (emails) up to 100k. 

"Do things that don’t scale." - Joe Gebbia

Product is key. At an early stage you want to keep it lean to get feedback. If you’re building a huge analytics solution find the simplest entry point for a customer to try it. They’d rather use a useful tool that fixes a core problem of theirs than half-baked analytics app trying to do everything.

  • Find your Users

You need to be wherever your target users are. If you’re building a SaaS app for musicians then be on every musician forum, IRC chatroom and Facebook group. Add value and engage, don’t just self promote. These can drive a lot of high quality word-of-mouth referrals.

I’ve used Meetup in the past to find related events in London.  You’re almost guaranteed to find a meetup related to your startup where you’ll have the chance to speak to fifty or a hundred possible users. 

  • Viral

A great way to build a user base is to create something related and interesting and that leads the visitor to checkout your product. Sometimes it’s an especially interesting blogpost or a related weekend hack that has share-ability. 

One example I’ve seen was a product built on Gmail built a tool to generate an infographic based on your email habits. Once you’ve shared this they could up-sell you on their other tools.

Many have seen the Dollar Shave Club or Undrip videos. For some companies YouTube is a valuable promotional platform. Warby Parker responds to support questions via YouTube videos. With each video receiving from hundreds to thousands of views. These are the kind of experiments that can add value. 

The old-fashioned approach is to get customers to invite their friends or add sharing to the signup flow. This can work well but often backfires when a customer doesn’t understand it. More recently there has been the inclusion of ‘frictionless sharing’ on the Facebook timeline, which for a social startup can be highly valuable. Use it wisely,  startups that have found extreme growth from it have found numbers plummet. 

  • Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is the most popular way users find new products yet its something you can’t control. At launch it’s impossible to keep track of word of mouth but in the past I’ve recommended startups based on other aspects than just product. 

Do things your way, not the way your competitors do and people will notice. If you’re building a SaaS service why couldn’t you send a personal email to your first 100 users welcoming them? 

Offering amazing customer service stands out, look at Zappos, 37 Signals and IntercomIO. They got attention from how they interact with their community. 

People always ask “Are you solving a problem?” but an equally important question is “Who is your customer?” because once you know this you can ask them and know what you’re building toward. 

  • Free

Everyone loves free. For SaaS businesses freemium is a common tactic to entice users and increase morale. Uber often gives away free credits for new users at events and over the Olympics they gave away free trips for each hour after a British olympian won a medal in London. This stood out and I saw a lot more tweets thanking them in my timeline than ever before. For e-commerce services giveaways drive a lot of traffic but visitors won’t necessarily have an intent to buy. 

  • Referrals

For many startups simple referral schemes drive a lot of signups but they require an initial mass. Dropbox implemented this well by giving each user 100MB per referral, I see many more of these invites than any paid schemes within my non-startup circle of friends.

If you’d like to build a paid referral scheme then try Commission Junction or a similar service but the prior may drive the best results. 

  • Content 

This strategy is loved by a subset of founders. Starting a blog requires a lot of work but if you become a thought leader in your space it is very valuable. A tactic is to try guest blogging and write for another publication with an audience, mentioning your startup in the byline (or tying it in). This is most commonly used for products in social media, marketing tools and SaaS companies. Find blogs relevant to what you’re building. Leo Widrich succeeded with many of these strategies at Buffer.

Content is all about creating value for your readers. A lot of people like creating SlideShare presentations because they rank so high in Google. For example the musician startup could create “Ten ways that musicians can find new venues” and put together some actionable content that drives them to their product. 

  • Startup Communities

There are a number of communities for startups and founders to share what they’re building today. Such as Hacker News/r/Startups andQUIBB. Share your product and you’ll receive a lot of direct feedback and a some traffic too, which helps. Although it’s unlikely that this will be your most engaged user-base.

If you’re looking for pure signups then you can submit your startup to a number of blogs & lists. Such as Beta ListThe Museum of Modern BetasStartupLi.stStartups FM,  BetaKit and KillerStartups. These users will be even less engaged but will help build an initial community. 

  • SEO

My last startup focused on email but for many businesses Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the most valuable path. SEOmoz have a great presentation called SEOMoz for Startups that they gave at YC. Too many have been burned by algorithm tweaks and other anomalies so don’t rely on it alone. Having a blog will help this because more of your pages will be non-promotional and linked to by trustworthy sites externally. 

  • Social Media

Social Media presence is very much about context. With the right tools it can work to your advantage. If you know who your customer is you may be able to find them talking about a problem that your product fixes.Little Bird is a new tool to find influencers within a topic. If you have a valuable product then interact, get feedback and you may find they’ll share what you’re doing with their community. 

Your product isn’t designed for everyone and if need be send them to your competitors because you’re building relationships and showing that your goal is to help them. On Facebook I found that Facebook comments on product pages drove a lot of sales. Most people have a wider reach on Facebook than their Twitter following.

Quite a few founders have found value in Instagram and Pinterest as promotional platforms. If you can find a visual connect with what you do then they can be great. Scan has a beautiful QR related page on Instagram that is a stellar example. 

  • Press

Press can be brilliant but the tech press is overrated. It drives a lot of short term traffic (12 hours worth). I was once interviewed on French TV and didn’t see any noticeable change in traffic because it wasn’t the right audience. You may find that the smaller blogs around your niche are the most valuable because two hundred active users is better than a thousand that instantly drop off. 

Most founders get on TechCrunch for the recognition and investor interest rather than the traffic. The best way to get written about is to have a story rather than a launch. Traction, funding or an interesting angle. 

Help a Reporter Out is an almost sobering but interesting concept where journalists request stories to fit into their piece or segment. For example: “ABC news is looking for a SF based founder in the financial space to talk about X”.  Make use of it if you’re trying to gain press attention. 

  • Hype

I dislike hype but it has worked for some invite only services. It doesn’t work well for unlaunched or vague products (“Rethinking the photo”). You may receive a few hundred signups by the time you launch at which point most of them won’t won’t remember you. SvbtleMedium andBranch provide an incentive to get in as influencers share their content to Twitter. On the other hand and were overhyped by the time they launched it didn’t work. Path had thisproblem too but they were able to convince users by V2. 

One overlooked problem with creating exclusivity is that the ignored users can become resentful and when you finally launch they’ll ignore or bash your product. Which is why I like that Quora launched blogs without a drumroll. There’s no arrogance to it, yet a focus on quality thought.

  • Guerilla Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing is using what you have at your disposal to market your product in the real world.  Anon User left lunches at HackerDojo and wrote gumroad links on them so that people could pay for them. If you do something interesting that shows off what you’re building there’s a good chance that people will share it and bring more attention than the original proposition. 

Mastercard have given out £10 prepaid credit cards (with vendors using mobile payments) at London tech events before. This is smarter for them than just sponsoring the food. 

Events startup Yplan launched at Hacker News London a few months ago which I attended, a few days later I noticed they were running Twitter ads targeted to ‘me’ and finally when walking down the street in London’s startup centre they had physical ads for a promotional event of theirs. This absolutely grabbed my attention and I installed the app. It worked because they know who their early user is.

  • Hacks

Many founders resort to ‘hacks’ to get their initial traction. Most tactics are perfectly fine but others are considered to be in a grey area or wrong. Airbnb reportedly scraped and ‘spammed’ Craigslist to poach initial customers, you may disagree with them on these practices but I understand why they were in that position after spending years trying to get traction. If you find something ethical that works for you go for it, no matter how crazy it is. 

Stumble Upon is incredible for driving traffic to user generated content and their paid discovery feature allows you to ramp up the amount of traffic. I know a lot of user generated content startups that built their initial user base on this feature. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg but it’s a good start to help get its first thousand users. Startups are about momentum and your job is to start building it.

1980kusers, product, build, information