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Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo stone sculpture glass books

Born in Tokyo, Dusseldorf-based artist Ramon Todo creates beautiful textural juxtapositions using layers of glass in unexpected places. Starting with various stones, volcanic rock, fragments of the Berlin wall, and even books, the artist inserts perfectly cut glass fragments that seem to slice through the object resulting in segments of translucence where you would least expect it. You can see more of his work over on Art Front Gallery, andhere. (via My Amp Goes to 11)


1980kart, glass, stone, rock, creative