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LED clouds in amsterdam

sophie valla architects: LED clouds in amsterdam
The construction of the north-south subway presented amsterdam north with the opportunity to turn the center of district into a park. 

The light installations by sophie valla architects under the flat roofing are the outstanding feature of the remodeled structures. sixty textile 

Panels made from the fabrics used in advertising were cut to various sizes to meet the dimensions of the existing structure; forming an LED-like screen that can be programed independently. the textiles were combined with colorful spotlights in a giant puzzle, creating a10m x 40m artificial sky. dynamic light animations lasting 30 minutes mimic shifting cloudy dutch skies, where twenty fluctuating skies re-create scenarios of bright and stormy days from sunrise to sunset. like a sophisticated carpet sitting on a lawn, concrete slabs laid out in an attractive pattern outline a onspicuously stylish urban spot in the grassy field of the park. 

animation ‘good weather’highway viewpublic spaceanimation storm 1animation storm 2light sunsetlight starsreuse gas station

Project information:

credits: pavilions and led cloud

client: amsterdam north city
concept and design: sophie valla architects

team: sophie valla and ivo jelinek

construction: van eden bouwconstructies bv

light supplies: invent
contractor: interieurbouw coen winkel
