
This blog showcases educational and inspirational content related to art, design, process, and more.

super nature design: the scent of light

Super nature design, the shanghai-based multidisciplinary company present ‘the scent of light’ as a part of their first solo exhibition at xintiandi in shanghai, china until september 20th, 2012. the interactive lighting installation explores how the scent of light may be able to change our emotions and vision through a unique interactive experience.

this approach demonstrates the ability to stimulate cognitive senses in various ways, where their newest projects such as ‘floral’ and ‘spin’ express light in a visually enhancing performance. also showing at the exhibition are ‘lost in pascal’s triangle’ and ‘prisma1666‘, projects which designboom have previously covered. each ’the nature 
collection’ and ‘the scent of light’ compliment the works by providing references to how natural beauty can influence the creation process.

‘spin’ lighting installation

‘spin’ brings motion to emerge with the notion of light in the dark. it is an extension of kinetic illuminants that construct form and volume in a flexible manner according to speed output. the development is a fusion of two
creative processes that provides an aesthetic visual display, where the other draws an analytical demonstration of how light can perform and generate a wave frequency.

detail view of the blue swirls

effects created with a large volume of light 

‘floral’ lighting installation

‘floral’ provides a vivid sense of calmness and harmony as an integrated experience. it captures new memories in layers that reflect a timeframe as an evocative gesture for our cognitive senses. the intervention allows us to look into new perspectives and understand the wisdom of nature.

spectrum of color temperature lighting output

detail of the ‘floral’ type lighting pattern

‘the nature collection’

‘the nature collection’ is a series of natural specimens that exhibit the design process by explaining how the environment plays such an important role in our lives. the forms, color and texture provide growing opportunities to learn from. 

detailed examination of ‘the nature collection’

‘the nature collection’

the juxtaposition of light refraction and nature through a flask

‘the scent of light’ installation

‘the scent of light’ was conceived as an experimental exploration of the process and creation luminous volumumetric forms. the experience allows the user to discover a new dimension through the expression of unique emotions.

full view of the ‘scent light’

‘prisma1666′ installation

originally a collaboration between hong kong-based harald haraldsson, the piece is based on sir isaac newton’s experimental study conducted in 666, in which he used a glass prism to deconstruct a white beam of sunlight  into a full spectrum of color. the composition expresses a range of  translucent objects that radiate light in the same manner.

see more of designboom’s original coverage on ‘prisma1666′ here.

detail of chromatic light radiance

‘lost in pascal’s triangle’ installation

influenced by the mathematic formula of french mathematician blaise pascal, the interactive lighting structure is composed of 100 triangular LED lights which are supported within a network of various layered fluorescent triangles.

See more of designboom’s original coverage on ‘lost in pascal’s triangle’ here.

user interaction
