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The FinRay structure is a prototype for an emotive wall. The emotive FinRay wall is composed of seven separate wall pieces, which can swing their body back and forth. Embedded in the skin of the FinRay are arrays of LED luminaries, which can be programmed individually to give personalized information or just to create an ambient luminescent atmosphere. While the primary synchronous behavior of the firefly is flashing light, the primary synchronous behavior of the FinRay is movement. In the installation, the FinRays are aligned in a row in 7 wall pieces, herein referred to as nodes. The synchronous behavior between the FinRay nodes contrasts with the motion produced by the presence of the participant. The result is a series of complex wave patterns that propagate through the FinRay structure as a whole. The propagating movements of the FinRay are expressed in the changing patterns of light and sound. The LED skins respond directly to user presence by glowing brighter when users are near, and glowing dimmer as they move away. The synchronous and asynchronous behaviors are reflected in the sound design as changes in intensity in response to the FinRay movement. Moments of synchronous behavior are represented by calmer sounds, while asynchronous behavior results more intense sound. Source