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The Problem with Dribbble. Or Not.

[ Dribbble - @dribbble ] is show and tell for designers, who share shots — small screenshots of the designs and applications they’re working on.

If you are a designer or in the creative industry then most likely you have heard of Dribbble. It’s a great concept and a website that I love to refer to from time to time when I am discussing project possibilities with customers. 

The Problem with Dribbble lays sole on the invite process and talent level on the site. It needs to broaden. Dribbble’s site looks to push only the most talented designers into the public eye which is great for the industry but the problem is…It’s a POPULARITY CONTEST. Not actually the quality of work that gets you an invite to the site.

Don’t get me wrong the website has a large amount of extremely talented designers and ones that I look up to as great idealists and trend setters. BUT Dribbble also has allot of not-so-good-designers, pretending to have quality work while false advertising to the end customer who views the site to hire talent. 

Why would I say…It’s a POPULARITY CONTEST?
Because you can only get onto the website by knowing other designers who can invite you to join Dribbble. A good idea but another method for creatives such as myself might benefit Dribbble. It also might attract the high end designers that are hesitant to signup.

I have been working as a high end designer for over 15+ years now and have allot of friends who have put in heavy time as well. But that being said non of the very high quality designers I know are actually on Dribbble. That brings up a problem for me and others. How. It’s not that they don’t want to be on the site it’s that they don’t feel like hunting for an invite or trying to play the popularity game. Sure at times I have some real creative clips I would like to post to Dribbble but the problem is I don’t have an account. 

So. How the hell do I get an invite to Dribbble if I don’t know anyone with an invite? I have a cluster-fuck of new work that has been piling up over the past two years and instead of posting on my website I would like to begin trying out Dribbble. Recommendations welcome ;)

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