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Water Light Graffiti

At a first view, it’s a large panel composed of several thousand of Led’s illuminated by the contact of water. By touching the edges of a LED, the water creates an electrical bridge and makes the current pass through the circuit, which provides power to the LED below the surface. The quantity of water that you deposit around the LED increases the brightness: the damper, the brighter. Based on this simple and clever idea, the aim of Water Light Graffiti is to propose a new smart material to draw or write ephemeral light messages.


Water Light Graffiti has been exhibited for the first time to the public at the end of July 2012 in the city center of Poitier. The graf collective Painthouse was invited to perform in front of the public. Every member of the audience and users has been delighted to be able to draw, write, paint, and that with a lot of different tools (sponge, water spray, water guns, paintbrush…)

It is at this moment that the first video of Water Light Graffiti has been made and immediately became a huge success online. Seen by more than a million times and shared everywhere in the world.


Then it’s for an important event that Water Light Graffiti’s been exhibited: Nuit Blanche in Paris. Place Poulmarch to be more precise, a place famous for its graffitis. After it’s first exhibition in Poitier and his viral success online, Antonin Fourneau’s creation was now meeting the Parisian public benefiting from the talent of graffiti artists such as Popof, Popay, Painthouse collective and the Graffti Research Lab performing all night long

A team from the international digital media The Creators Project felt the public enthusiasm and came to record the event and ask few questions to Antonin Fourneau,
The first time Water Light Graffiti has been exhibited abroad was in Abu Dhabi in November 2012 for the “Art for All festival”.

Always in evolution and in enhancement, Water Light Graffiti became from January 2013 very popular.
