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What 'edits' would you want to make to the human body, given the choice?

What changes you would prefer to see and would that sustain over the period of time. What may be notice-able advancements in next evolutionary forms?

How do you propose the sustainability of the changes and physical impacts like tiring etc. ?


Michael BaucumI know absolutely nothing. 
  1. Chocolate, sugar, and simple carbs would be superfoods.
  2. Orgasms would last much, much longer than they do.
  3. We would only need a few minutes’ sleep every day. And yet, the (good) dreams would still feel like they last for hours.
  4. Genitals would be beautiful. That is, less… weird looking.
  5. We would be furry enough to not need clothes. (Furry things are cuter, anyway.)
  6. There would be various indicator LEDs across our bellies, showing when we need things like love, time alone, food, etc. This would help a lot with babies.
  7. Wings. ‘Nuff said.
  8. Babies are born as tiny, harmless little seeds. They then rapidly expand to normal birth size when held in your hands over the course of 3 minutes. That makes the birth process magical, painless, and exciting!
  9. Upon death, you dissolve into magical water that gives drinkers all your memories and everything you’ve learned in life. This makes funerals more spiritual and bolsters the human race over time.
lol, if someone would draw me some concept art for this, that would be awesome.I’d especially like to see people’s takes for #4.
Eivind KjørstadNerd. Nature-lover. Penpal. Fitocrat.

The list is endless. People who think the human body is perfect, quite clearly haven’t thought about it very hard, or at all.
  • Our teeth, and our lower back are both a disgrace. Huge fractions of humanity gets trouble with one or both of those in their first 50 years of life, that should be fixed.
  • Current biology is that we’re fertile by default, but women can become sterile by taking a pill. I’d want this reversed. That is, I’d want us to be sterile by defauls, but able to conceive if we take a pill. Ideally the pill should be a simply and easily synthesized chemical, but one that does not exist in nature. The result would be that no child would ever be conceived unless both parents desire it.
  • We’ve got really good machinery for hanging onto energy to survive the coming famine. Only to most of humanity, it never comes, and the result is overweight or obesity. I’d want biology retuned so that your appetite automatically aims for a BMI of 23 — instead of the current situation where “eat all you like” results in a BMI of 30 or 35 for most people. Ideally, we’d simply stop absorbing energy from food when we’ve gotten enough, so overeating still wouldn’t make you overweight.
  • The performance of many subsystems is embarrassingly bad. Red blood-cells ? Are you kidding me ? Those things SUCK at transporting oxygen and CO2. Did you know that respirocytes would allow you to hold your breath for 5-6 *hours* ? Bones ? Is that a joke ? Have you tried comparing the breaking-strength of titanium with that of bone ? Nerves ? Moving signals at ~30 meters pro second ? That’s ridicolously slow — electronics are a factor of a million faster at signal-propagation.
  • We should get conscious control over a few more things. Give my nerves a shunt, and allow me to dial the intensity of any input down by a factor of 100 when needed. Let me consciously decide which memories to store and which to delete.
  • Let’s get rid of some old junk legacy-hardware. Appenditis anyone ? What do I need toenails for again ? For that matter, why do I have more than 2 toes ? It’s not as if I’ve been gripping anything with my toes for millenia, and only the large-toe is muscular enough to be helpful for balance.
  • Some of our emotional machinery causes more trouble than it’s worth. Yes I get it, it’s useful for spreading our genes, but that’s not a top priority for most people alive today, so let’s reduce some of it. I vote for an order of magnitude less xenophobia and less jealousy, for a start.
